From the worldwide leading ECM specialist and EIM provider for structured and unstructured content

Information is the capital of your company

Global data growth continues unabated, while at the same time companies face the challenge of complying with increasingly stringent regulations. This applies both in terms of internal compliance and in view of transnational legislation. Document management” has long since ceased to include mere administration. In terms of a superordinate enterprise content or enterprise information management (ECM/EIM), it is much more a question of digitalizing and optimizing extremely complex business processes – the range extends from legally compliant storage to availability at any time via powerful search functions from any authorized location.

Your benefit through a strategic ECM approach

Information Governance

Where information is collected and used, there is a risk that it may be tapped by third parties in an unauthorised manner and used for their own purposes. To prevent this, efficient information governance is essential.

Sound business decisions

Only those who can optimally prepare and use the available information are able to make better and more informed business decisions.

Cost reduction

An ECM strategy contributes to cost reduction in many areas. For example, an ECM system can act as an information hub and thus help to reduce the costs of storing, distributing and processing content.


Efficient processes also lead to the automation of routine activities. Employees are relieved and the error rate during processing is reduced.

Interdepartmental cooperation

If information is provided in a central system that can be accessed by all authorized persons, this facilitates cooperation enormously. Everyone has access to the same level of information and can provide information for others without using another system (e.g. e-mail).

Securing company knowledge

Nowadays there are many silos in which different information is stored. Thus, the entire company knowledge is available, but is not available to everyone. The consequence is that information is procured and managed twice, which in turn is associated with expenses. An ECM system breaks these silos down and makes the information available centrally and independent of location. Thus these can be used area and location-spreading.

Compliance with regulations

In our increasingly complex world, more and more regulations and legal requirements must be observed. The spectrum ranges from internal company rules (e.g. compliance guidelines) to transnational regulations (e.g. DSGVO). An ECM system can make an important contribution to compliance with all these regulations by transparently mapping the company processes.

“The challenge for companies now lies in using this information efficiently and in a targeted manner – an ECM system can play a central role in this”.

(Simon Kainz, Senior Consultant – iXenso AG)

An ECM/EIM system is the hub for all company-relevant information

The demands on the IT infrastructure are subject to ever increasing change. Administrations and companies are facing an agile and dynamic market or customers and citizens who – especially in the “smartphone age” – have high expectations of the IT solutions provided. Therefore a highly flexible and future-oriented technology platform has become indispensable. Business processes must be able to be changed and implemented in an agile way, while at the same time guaranteeing auditability and long-term storage of information.


“Capture” means the creation, acquisition and organisation of information by means of data entry, OCR or AI.


The management is done by processing, modifying and using the available information.


Storage means the temporary storage of information that is not worthy of archiving or that is subject to archiving.


The output is done by providing information for customers and end users. Preferably via a central output management system with dynamic templates.


In contrast to storage, “preservation” means the medium and long-term storage and safeguarding of information (“long-term archiving”).

“Enterprise Connect” offers the possibility to map the file structure in Windows Explorer. Users can therefore simply drag and drop files from Windows Explorer directly into the ECM-system folder. Seamless integration with Microsoft Office365 enables simultaneous editing and versioning of Office documents in the ECM without intermediate storage of the files. ECM offers a wide range of options and functions for collaboration across departments and countries, which can be controlled via an authorization concept. These include the most important ones such as

  • Create, edit and delete documents
  • Notifications, e.g. for changes to documents
  • Versioning when storing documents
  • Complex workflows
  • Task and task lists
  • Follow-ups
  • Full text indexing
  • Intelligent search functions


The digital workspaces can be set in relation to each other in any desired and flexible way. This guarantees a complete 360° view of the information at all times.

“Single point of entry” of the users

A clear introduction, configurable according to the user’s role and with modern HTML5 technology. Thus the process is only a mouse click away.

Fully integrable in leading applications

Special emphasis is placed on the “user experience”, because the ECM platform always “feels” the same or functions identically – regardless of the application.

Extended ECM (xECM), as a central element, forms the technical basis for the digital transformation of a company.

A wide range of integration options and functions can be adapted to the respective business processes through company-specific configurations. Already integrated directly into SAP S/4HANA, SAP R/3, Microsoft Office365 and SharePoint, SalesForce or SAP SuccessFactors via “Enabler”, a system is created that simply “grows” with your company.

Your benefit

  • Consistent pursuit and implementation of an Enterprise Information Management strategy, especially in an SAP environment
  • Reduction of silo applications and consolidation to a few technologies
  • Reduction of the IT-side support
  • Agile and complex workflow-images and DMS solutions realizable
  • Easy access to content across the enterprise via web browser
  • Access to SAP data for “non-SAP applications”, directly at the document
  • SAP Business Objects Dynamically Assigned Content
  • Secure exchange of documents and records with business partners (“corporate governance dropbox”)
  • Easy integration into external systems (Enterprise Library Web Services)
  • Robust and proven archiving technology for high volumes
  • Timely storage and deletion by means of Records Management


ONE digital workspace, integrated into different applications by means of a simple “enabler