Interview with Thomas Kleiner at the Digital X Southwest

“The little digital champions are a success factor in the Southwest”


Digitization allows processes to be optimized, because it allows processes to be streamlined significantly. Thomas Kleiner of iXenso explains why this is important at Digital X Southwest.


What does your company do?
Thomas Kleiner: The company is active in the field of digital transformation, i.e. it supports customers in the area of digital transformation, archiving and the optimization of business processes.

Why is your company a Digital Champion?
Thomas Kleiner: We have now completely digitalized our internal processes in the last year. This means that we are now completely digital ourselves and are also advising our customers on this step of digitalization.

How do you get your employees excited about digitization?
Thomas Kleiner: Well, we have also adapted the organizational form of digitization because the speed of digitization requires an agile form of company, which means we have very flat hierarchies. We have service owners, we have small agile cells that act and work independently, and because of this transparent information from the management, the employees are automatically taken along on this path.

What do you appreciate about the southwest region
Thomas Kleiner: I mean, these small many digital champions that exist, these hidden champions that are everywhere, that give these impulses to the renowned and established companies in the region. I think that is one of the success factors in the southwest region.