Our Culture Our Brand – Modern Busines Culture

Our Culture Our Brand

What many companies are planning in the meantime, has been common practice at iXenso AG for many years. We offer our employees a high degree of participation in a flat hierarchy. Everyone gets the chance to leave their own personal footprint, to personal development and to go on with their Self-realization.

What many companies are planning in the meantime, has been common practice at iXenso AG for many years. We offer our employees a high degree of participation in a flat hierarchy. Everyone gets the chance to leave their own personal footprint, to personal development and to go on with their Self-realization.

On the business cards of our employees you will not find any titles like team or department manager, the disciplinary management of the nearly 80 employees comes directly from the board. This reduces decision-making processes enormously and saves frictional losses.

Nevertheless, each individual can take responsibility. Be it in an internal or external project, or as a service owner in one of the areas or functions. In the services our processes are identified and defined, but also further developed, strategically aligned and synchronized with the other areas.

At iXenso transparency is created by a meeting matrix, in which the company’s meeting culture is defined. Weekly stand-up meetings give our employees the chance to get involved and to inform themselves about the latest topics from different areas. On a quarterly basis, the management provides information on Figures & Facts as well as on the strategic orientation of the organization. Regular jourfixes with the service owners help to make decisions, prioritize topics and transport information to the individual business units.

The management is supported by the Steering Board, which is staffed by experienced employees. This is where the strategic orientation is advanced, decisions are made and the development of the corporate structure as such is promoted. At the same time, conflicts are identified, discussed and resolved as sustainably as possible.

But: nothing is forever! We scrutinize ourselves and constantly reinvent ourselves