Revision security – old hat or brand new?

RevisionssicherheitOR Are your documents securely stored?

From time to time, companies are faced with the question of whether their documents are stored in an audit-proof manner. In this context, the question often arises: What does “audit-proof” exactly mean?

If you talk to three different people, you will get 4 different answers, such as

  • Secure storage of files – yes, this is still a topic even today
  • Encrypted storage of data and documents and thus their unalterability
  • Legally compliant storage to meet legal requirements
  • Storage of data and documents on a certified hardware solution


Which of these apply?
The answer is both simple and complex: EVERYTHING.

Ulrich Kampffmeyer, who has been dealing with this question for many years and who, according to his own statement, coined the term “revision security”, writes: “Revision security comes from re-vision, which means looking back. For systems, solutions, processes and organization it is retrospectively verifiable that everything was in order. Revision security does not mean that everything will also be in order in the future, since legal requirements can also change (see”.

What does that mean in concrete terms?
Well, first of all, that revision security does not only refer to archiving, but covers the entire life cycle of a document in the company.
Not only during archiving, which is often at the end of the process chain, but already from the point in time when the information reaches the company, it must be ensured that the document is processed in compliance with the law.

And how exactly can this be done?
This question cannot be answered in general, because it varies from company to company.
What they all have in common is that revision security is not just a technical task, but above all an organizational one.
The procedure is described in a so-called procedure documentation, which is usually the prerequisite for an audit by an auditing company.

How can iXenso support?
IXenso uses the experience and expertise from numerous successful projects to look at your processes together with you and optimize them if necessary.
In doing so, the entire lifecycle of the information that reaches your company is examined. These processes are supported by software solutions such as Scanning/OCR, incoming mail solutions, archiving and ECM. Here, we rely on OpenText solutions and experience from more than 20 years of partnership.
You also receive support in the creation of process documentation.

If you want to know more, please contact us.
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